Video Content

There are many video sites that may have good content for your courses. During the workshop, you'll have time to explore YouTube, YouTube.EDU, and TED

Here are several YouTube examples:
  1. Excel Tutorial by eLearning Centralia - closed captioned for accessibility
  2. US History 1965 - Present - Research Channel video
  3. Mean Median & Mode Math Learning Update
  4. Personality of Centenarians - Pt. 5 of Georgia Centenarian Study
  5. Research Channel  - nonprofit media and technology organization with over 450 videos.
Here are some TED examples:
  1. How We Can Avoid Aging - Aubrey de Grey
  2. Global Population Growth - Hans Rosling
  3. My Stroke of Insight - Jill Bolte Taylor
  4. Why the World Needs WikiLeaks - Julian Assange